Proyect Management

Oswaldo Ferreira Barbosa Junior began his career 20 years ago in project management and social business in Third Sector organizations. He has been managing projects for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and education for 15 years. His doctoral thesis deals with the Supported Employment method and he is also responsible for creating the IMGI – Inclusive Management Maturity Index, which is a social technology that facilitates the development of inclusive projects in companies.
He is a facilitator and specialist in strategic planning, financial management, project design and evaluation, organizational structuring and restructuring, and is also a university professor in undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Doctor in Business Administration from PUC Minas. He has a master's degree in Public Administration from Fundação João Pinheiro, Specialist in Management and Development of International Projects with an emphasis on the Third Sector and Accountant from PUC Minas.
Certified in Project DPro and RHProfiler Analyst methodology.
He is currently Director of GO – Gestão de Oportunidades, associate professor at FDC – Fundação Dom Cabral, franchisee and associate consultant at Humentum. He is president of Anea – National Association of Supported Employment.