Monitoring and evaluation

Marlon Pineda began his career in management processes and participatory development of projects 20 years ago, certified as a Trainer of Trainers for the Certification in Project Management for Development Professionals ToT PMD Pro1 (humentum); In Honduras, he has worked for several civil society organizations, national context development agencies, and in the execution of programs financed by international cooperation. Outstanding in these processes are actions of strategic planning, operations, inter-institutional management and monitoring and evaluation for national and international bodies in the country.
For 5 years manager of business relations and strategy and co-owner at the level of a consolidated and established enterprise in the field of clinical services. And part of a technical team that leads the consolidation of a Non-Governmental Organization in Honduras.
To date, it has promoted and innovated strategies and mechanisms for monitoring and participatory evaluation of projects, payment mechanisms for environmental services, institutional and municipal strategic planning with a focus on territorial planning, climate change and social inclusion and gender for the promotion of territorial development programs with a focus on continuous improvement. Likewise, he has been at the forefront of organizational development and certification processes for institutional management, which includes the development of policies and procedure manuals, among others.
Currently in the role of national/international consultant, he supports the monitoring and evaluation processes of the international donor project portfolio, as well as the management of organizational development processes and the promotion of continuous improvement models for organizations assisted with cooperation resources. . With civil society teams, strategies have been promoted for the development of social audit models and the fight against corruption. Leader of the team that developed the National Strategy for the Reintegration of the Migrant Population of Honduras and has advised the process for the establishment of its operation through the International Organization for Migration; In this same theme, support has been given to various cooperators financed by USAID for the updating of indicators and strategic mechanisms framed in the context of the migratory problem in Honduras.
He is a Forest Engineer with a Master's Degree in Community Forestry.