Volunteer Programs

He is a speaker, journalist (MTB 0084753 / SP), broadcaster (DRT 22,201), content writer and consultant specializing in volunteering and corporate social responsibility. Volunteer hospital clown since 2000, founder of the NGO Canto Cidadão, IPA Brasil and AFINCO, Associate for volunteering at GIA Consultores in Chile, founder of Aliança Palhaços Pelo Mundo, Managing Director of the Philanthropy Network, partner of the consulting company Comunidea , philanthropic event creator and manager, UN spokesperson, Hub One member, international laughter yoga leader, family and social relations advisor at the IS Institute for Human Development and Sustainability, and Radio Director Tom Social.
Experience in:
Evaluation of corporate volunteering projects, development of corporate volunteering, development of volunteering for social organizations, development of volunteering for schools and universities, classes on volunteering for schools and universities, talks to promote volunteering for companies, schools, universities and social organizations training of volunteers and volunteer managers, telemanagement of volunteer work groups.