Software development

Master in Business Administration, specializing in Entrepreneurship, Systems Engineer and Electronics Engineer from Universidad Mesoamericana, has training in various programming languages (SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 for Business Intelligence. He has completed studies in Microsoft Network Technician Certification , CISCO CCNA courses (technical part of networks) He is PMDPro Certified (Project Management in Development) by AMPG England.
He has developed computer programs such as GINESOFT, for automation in the areas of Gynecology and Obstetrics in health companies, with hospital statistics, required by the MSPAS and the APA program. Founding partner of the BIT company, dedicated to the creation of electronic devices and development of WEB pages.
He has developed software for maintenance management in drinking water systems, management of Dental Centers, and Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations, under the Vision, Representations and Services brand.
He teaches in various courses in the Faculty of Engineering at a National University.
He speaks Spanish and English.