Finance and Audit

Ofelia began her career in the financial-accounting sector, with national and international non-profit organizations for 22 years, working as the person in charge of the financial area in drinking water management projects through the Austrian Cooperation and linked to the Municipalities of Quetzaltenango, San Marcos and San Pedro Sacatepéquez, developing development and management programs for the creation and organization of processes and procedures in the water companies of each municipality
Between 2009-2010, he worked on the preparation of municipal diagnoses on water, drainage and garbage services in the Municipalities of Zunil, Ixchiguan, San José Ojetenam, Olintepeque, San Carlos Sija, Esquipulas Palo Gordo, Concepción Chiquirichapa and San Antonio Sacatepéquez. These diagnoses were prepared for the Servime Project (Munikat-Helvetas),
He is a member of the Court of Honor of the Institute of Public Accountants and Auditors and is part of the work commission, Quetzaltenango branch, organizing training to strengthen the profession in accounting and tax matters.
In 2010, he joined VRS Consult, in the area of business training, supporting the organization and systematization of workshops on business skills in several municipalities of Quetzaltenango and consulting on review, accounting, financial management and internal control of non-profit organizations.
To date, it has supported the organization for the training of the public accountant and auditor union in the accounting, financial area and updates in the different tax reforms for commercial companies and NGOs, it also keeps the accounting registry of small and medium-sized companies. , NGO's and professionals of various categories, handling the presentation of their taxes.
She is a Public Accountant and Auditor, graduated from the Rafael Landívar University, Quetzaltenango campus, with a closed curriculum in a Master's Degree in Financial Administration, from the University of San Carlos (University Center of the West), has received various programs and diplomas in tax and accounting updating, both in commercial companies, services and NGOs, as well as entrepreneurship programs in the region.
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